[^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 Cancel                   - With esc-key
 Append                   - Menu option
 Print                    - Menu utilities
 Auto-save                - Set with Alt+A on and off
 Working with             - With enter, cursor, PgUp/Dwn, Home/End..
 Quit                     - With esc-key or Alt+X
 Calculate                - Menu option or F7
 Background               - Menu utilities
 Blend-mode               - Set with Alt+B on and off
 Blend Fieldvalue         - Set with Alt+B on and off
 Copy                     - Menu option
 Clipboard                - Copy with Ctl+Ins, insert with Shift+Ins
 Close data               - With F4 or menu file
 Open data                - With F2 or menu file
 New data                 - Menu file/new file
 Delete                   - With delete or Alt+Del or menu option.
 Ins/del directly         - Set with Alt+M on and off
 Dos-key                  - With F3 or cursor-key in dos-window
 Dos-shell                - With Alt+F9 or in dos with Alt+O !
 Dos-window               - With F9 or menu file
 Print                    - Menu utilities
 Edit                     - With enter or ascii-sign
 Insert                   - With Insert-key or Alt+Ins
 One window               - Menu utilities
 Settings                 - Menu utilities
 Export                   - Menu option
 Colors                   - Menu utilities
 Field-Choice             - Always with Shift+F2
 Fields Ins/Del           - With Alt+plus and minus-key
 Field-types              - View with Alt+T, edith with menu utilities
 Window                   - Swith with  F6 or Shift+F6
 Widow size               - Menu utilities
 Open window              - With F2 or menu file
 Close window             - With F4 or menu file
 Set filter               - With Alt+L or menu option
 Close filter             - With Alt+C or menu option
 goto record              - With Alt+R (records)
 Get-Editor               - With Ctl+Enter or F8 (de)activate
 Goto-Record              - Set with Alt+G on and off
 Groups Total             - Menu option
 Help                     - With F1-key
 Help editing             - With Shift+F1 (not in network!)
 Import                   - Menu option
 Cerate Index             - With Alt+I or menu option
 Set index                - Men. option
 Close index              - With Alt+C or menu option
 Information              - Menu utilities
 Insert                   - With Insert-key
 Ins/Del-mode             - Set with Alt+D on and off
 Key-bar                  - Set with Alt+B on and off
 Copy                     - Menu option
 Configuration            - Set with Alt+A on and off
 Delete                   - With Delete or Alt+Del or menu option
 Memo-Data                - With enter editing directly
 Averages                 - Menu Option/Total
 New data                 - Menu file
 Pack                     - With Alt+P or menu option
 Password                 - Menu utilities
 Printer                  - Menu utilities
 Print Fields             - Menu utilities
 Calculate                 - With F7-key
 Skip records             - With Alt+F3 or Alt+R
 Quit                     - With Esc-key or Alt+X
 Relations                - Menu utilities
 Skipper field            - Set with Alt+K on and off
 Protecting               - Menu utilities
 Settings                 - Menu utilities
 Sorting                  - With Alt+I or Menu option
 Column-width             - With Alt+W or Ctl+left/right
 Column Ins/Del           - With plus and minus-key
 String search            - With Alt+F3
 Structures               - Menu Utilities
 Search                   - With F3 or Alt+S
 Any search               - With Alt+F3
 Search continue          - With Shift+F3 or Alt+N
 Summ                     - Menu option
 Switch                   - With F6 or Shift+F6
 Text-editor              - With Alt+S search text and Alt+R replace
 Total on..               - Menu option
 Typs                     - With Alt+T check actualy field
 Connections              - Menu utilities
 View-style               - Set on with Alt+V
 Wide-directory           - Menu utilities
 Zap                      - Menu option
 Zoom                     - Set with F5 on and off
 Two windows              - Menu utilities

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson